PRODUCERJohn Wolfslayer
LOCATION: Fort Lauderdale, FL
CLIENT: Corporate
EVENT: National Association Annual Meeting
DATE: November 2008

ECE managed a creative team designing the forth in a series of "Eventures" for a high-end corporate client. Event had major logistical challenges moving guests between multiple locations and incorporating more than 100 entertainers, actors and musicians.

Once our theme concept was approved, our team collaborated with planners scouting locations, writing character scripts, choreographing dance elements and coordinating all entertainment and show production.

Guest's were invited to a Top Secret meeting aboard a luxury yacht, when the boat inadvertently entered Cuban waters, the boat was boarded by Cuban Army.  The guests were arrested and taken to prison where they changed into prison clothes, finger-printed and mug shots taken.  The prison warden along with Fidel Castro met with prisoners as they ate in mess hall.   Blues Brothers and Elvis performed Jailhouse rock as Prisoners "picked away" at a wall attempting to escape.   Once through the guests were led through a "sewer pipe" until they reached the other side at the Tropicana in Havana.  Guest's danced to a Cuban Band while authentic Tropicana dancers performed.    Guest's were rescued and brought home with plenty of Cuban Cigars!